Boulder has a reputation for being a place that is ungodly, atheistic, and indulgent. What it does not have a reputation for is
being a place that is full of people who are convicted about their sin, and who want to change the way that they are living. However,
this is exactly what we have observed over the last month out on the CU campus, as our staff has now had conversations with
approximately 2,500 young men and women. The number of people who have expressed a desire to know Jesus and who are hungry
for the truth of God's word is astonishing. Thank you for your very important role in partnering with us and for praying for revival at
the University of Colorado. We believe that this responsiveness and hunger that we've seen is just the beginning of something great
and profound. This month, we would like to just qive you a brief evangelistic update.
Our staff has met over 700 young men and women who have said that they are interested in learning
more about how to have a relationship with Jesus by attending a bible study, or by coming to church.
Currently we have over 100 established weekly evangelistic bible studies on campus. Many of these are
1-on-1 bible studies, and some of them are group studies. Many of these people have visited our Sunday
service, which meets just about 10 minutes from campus.
I currently have 16 weekly 1-on-1 bible studies with young men who are eager to know Jesus in a greater
way. Most of these are freshmen who do not know what it means to live for Jesus, and some are entirely
new to the concepts of the Christian faith. Please pray especially for Austin, Connor, Gavin, Justin, Max,
Colin, Charlie, Ivan, Braden, and CJ. These 10 young men are showing all the signs of being close to
giving their lives to Christ, and simply need the faith to trust Him.
We know that there are a lot of young people out there who are
Folsom Field, Boulder, COT hurting and who are in need of God's healing power, to transform
them out of addiction, mental illness, and the destructive effects
of sin. Please also pray that our staff and student helpers would be divinely
led to these people, and that they too would be open to the gospel of Jesus
Christ. We know that God is at work in Boulder! For contribution information,
please visit